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At SteamstART, we offer many workshops regarding the arts and sciences. Our stem classes will always have an emphasis on art. Workshops will include painting, coding, electronics, engineering design, woodwork, and career exploration.

Programs: Programs


For our painting program, we use steam aspects by incorporating geometric design lessons, teaching students how to make their own paints through recipes and calculated paint measurements, and by experimenting with luminescent paints.

Drawing a storyboard
Focusing at Work


Our coding program will push students to make their own designs using JavaScript. Younger grades will be using an interactive coding site named Blockly, while older participants will be using Code Academy and We are partnered with several technology companies which support our coding program.


Engineering design classes consist of building robots, whether they be huge collaborative efforts, or small groups of small structures, that serve a purpose in our society. Students brainstorm a problem in society, then use teamwork to build a robot that can serve as a potential solution.

Drone Lens
Computer Board


In our electronics program, we use circuits to make cards, add on to paintings and morals, or even design our own signs to project our names or various quotes. Throughout designing their own pieces of artwork through electronics, students also learn about different types of circuits, the impact they have on resistance, and ways to maximize energy.


Woodwork classes push students to design and build their own items, whether they be functional and efficient pieces of furniture, or beautiful wooden sculptures.

Carpenter at Work


Our career exploration course sets us apart from many other nonprofits, as it allows our students to immerse themselves in a completely different career - one that they likely have never heard of - for one day per week. We also have a volunteer speaker who works in the field to come in and speak of their experiences.

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